Saturday, March 31, 2007


My back and BEER

So another day down and I am not feeling much better. Yesterday I thought things went well, I stayed at work all day then decided to walk a little out of the way to go the Dog the Bounty Hunter gift shop (which was closed), I think that was a mistake. I was almost unable to finish walking home, multiple times Alexis asked if she should go home and get the car to come pick me up. But I pushed on and had a miserable night.

This morning was still bad...this is now day four of back pain. I called in sick to work and Alexis had me call the advice nurse. People keep telling me it will get better with time but as of now, I just want it to get better with pain medication. So I spoke with the nurse she said I should come in and transferred me to the clinic to make an appointment, mind you this is all before 8am. A different nurse had to call me back and see about an appointment for me. She offered me one in the afternoon or one tomorrow (Saturday)... I wanted to see if it would get any better with time so I chose the appointment tomorrow. It's a good thing I did that.

I offered to take Alexis to the Long's parking lot (about half way to work) where I was going to purchase a heating pad. We got to the car buckled ourselves in and I turned the key...nothing. The darn thing wouldn't start. Alexis headed off to work, late already, we both made several phone calls and I consulted with the neighbor, finally we decided it was the battery. But we know nothing about cars so a little bit latter a tow truck came and whisked the Camry away. I was able to go get the car at 3pm, it was less than a half mile away so I walked which seemed ok. My crazy back doesn't make any sense to me.

As we were eating dinner Talsha brought us tickets to the Gaelic Beer Festival which we had talked about earlier in the week. So I bucked up and away we went... there were heavy pupu's (Shepard's pie, fish & chips, haggis, etc.) and a bunch of beer plus an assortment of scotch. It was held at the Willows which is a real nice place. We had a few drinks and headed home.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Spring Break Blues

I always think of spring break as a happy time... but not so much this year. Monday started off great, I slept in, cleaned a bit around the apartment, went to the beach where Lynn met me (and yes.. I got a bit burnt), and I got home in time for General Hospital. Well I got a rather exciting phone call once GH ended. I had registered for a chance to enter this women's challenge sponsored by 24 hour fitness, Meadow Gold ( a dairy) and a few radio stations about two weeks ago. The women called me to set up an interview... I am a potential candidate for this 12 week competition plus they called Alexis as a possible candidate also. After hanging up I some how hurt my back. I don't just mean a little something I was in tears the pain was so bad. There I was yesterday flat out on the living room floor. Once Alexis got home she helped get me ice packs and anything else I needed.

Today I was able to move a bit more but it is still pretty painful. Alexis and I both met with the competition lady and we will know by Sunday or Monday if we have been chosen. The rest of my day consisted of laying on the living room floor and being stuck in traffic. The later half of the day was as movie marathon.... Blood Diamond and Friends with Money.

Hopefully my back gets better soon. I have gotten some great advice from reliable sources, thanks guys!

Monday, March 26, 2007


Start of spring break

Spring break is here and I am excited. Friday night we made a trip to Walmart and relaxed at home, watching the movie Casanova. Saturday morning I went to the HPU library to do some research for my thesis. In the afternoon we went to the Auto Show at the Hawaii Convention Center, very cool building but the car show wasn't that cool. We grabbed a bite to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe and headed home to prepare for the evening. We had a bachlorette party to attend. Nope neither of us or Lynn knew the bride to be... but we still went to the party. What an interesting crowd, I don't have the words to explain it.

Today, we woke up and went to church. It's always nice when the people you know at church can tell you how many weeks it has been since you were last there, haha. I had an MA/COM club and Swedish Student Association combined picnic at Ala Moana Beach Park this afternoon. We had a pretty good turn out but then it started to rain so I headed home. After talking to Laura for a bit on the phone, Alexis and I went to see the new movie with Marky Mark, Shooter. Pretty good movie. Currently we are watching a LOST marathon, finishing up season 1.

Another two days of spring break for me with no class or work!!

Thursday, March 22, 2007


TV commercial

So today Lynn and I walked out of my building at there was a small group of people with a video camera. They stopped us and asked if we would like to be in a commercial. So with a bit of hesitation we agreed. The Honolulu Advertiser was asking people a set of questions about living styles, what you drive, etc. So we put on wireless microphones and answered the questions as best we could. The women interviewing us thought we were great...very funny as she had told us to interact with each other. After the interview we were told this commercial would be airing from April - December promoting their classified section. It was an interesting experience. Hopefully if they use any of us I don't look like a freak.

Also I'm happy to report that my MS WALK team is working on a bake sale, we spoke with a corporation in our building about sponsoring us and I signed up two new members all today!! A great day for the MS WALK project! Plus Rankey got her first pledge in 20 days, GO RANKEY!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007


The situation is deteriorating & Thank You

Today we went out on a boat with Marjorie. She is the book- keeper for this old out of commission boat and every three weeks to a month a crew gets together and takes her out to sea to practice a few drills and make sure she is still running. It was very relaxing. We headed out towards Waikiki did a 'man over board drill.' While out we saw three whales. As an end result I am slightly pink from the sun but you can't turn down a free ride.

I also want to thank everyone who has donated to support the MS WALK. I have reached my gaol and then some. As a team we are still a far ways away so if you haven't pledged yet there is still time.


St. Patty's Day

Today was a very productive day. I had a work function during the lunch hour where I listened to a speaker talk about organized crime in Japan and took photos of the event. ( I think I could have a career as a photographer, I may need to look into that). The afternoon was consumed with watching basketball, cleaning, doing homework and talking on the phone. Come evening we were supposed to go out for a friends birthday party but it was raining hard so we called it an early night, swung by Safeway for beer, food coloring and pizza and below is the end result.
Happy St. Patty's Day!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007


what would you do?

Would it be odd to go to two different restaurants for dinner in one night? I'm not saying two dinners just two courses at different restaurants. Tonight Alexis and I went to Gordon Biersch for a wedge salad & a beer, we couldn't get a seat in the bar area so we got a table. But before entering GB we walked past a group of people with take out from Hooters. Gosh the smell of the wings drew us in so after the wedge salad we headed there for wings. It was a satisfying dinner.

Friday, March 16, 2007


Harbor Pub House

I had lunch at Spada today and it was free. Jenny, Alexis' co-worker, won free lunch for six. The catch was we had to listen to one of those financial planners... but he was really quick and lunch was great. After lunch Alexis and I walked over to 24 hour fitness where a local radio station was there promoting women's health. I spun the wheel and won two tickets to the Auto Show next weekend. I am pretty excited about it, Ive never been to an auto show.

After work we went to the Harbor Pub House, a new place for us. It's located on the edge of the Waikiki on the harbor. It was advertised as great pizza and it was... cheap beer and good food. We will definitely be back.

Monday, March 12, 2007


Chinese New Year celebration

Busy weekend...
Friday night I went to a professional mixer before heading to dinner in Waikiki. A bunch of friends got together and had dinner with Michele and Jason at the Yardhouse. We had to wait just under two hours for a table, but again it was well worth it. We went around to a few others bars and Michele & Jason called it an early night.

Saturday I picked them up at their hotel, stored their luggage in the trunk of the car and we went to breakfast with Alexis, Aunt Dawn and Uncle Larry. We went to the Hungry Lion because no trip to Hawaii would be complete without eating at the Lion. In the afternoon I had to meet my class for a trip to Kalihi Valley for a project, we went hiking and I got a bunch of mosquito bites, I was not happy. After that Alexis andI went to pick up Michele & Jason for dinner. We ate at Dixie Grill and then went to Liliha Bakery for malasadas (we were a bit let down because they didn't have plain malasadas only filled). After a brief visit to the apartment it was off to the airport so they could catch their flight.

Today was relaxing. We ate at the Cha Cha Cha Salsaria in Hawaii Kai and then we headed to the beach. The water was a bit rough and the sun was hiding behind the clouds so we weren't out too long. After a nice nap we went to Hee Hing restaurant for a dinner party hosted by Dr. Wee. He invited about 40 of his friends and we celebrated the Chinese New Year with a huge feast. Now I am stuffed and ready for bed.

Friday, March 09, 2007


Michele's in Town

My friend from home is in town this week. She also has an aunt & uncle that live here so she is doing a lot of visiting and getting a 'local' perspective of the island. Along with Michele is her boyfriend, Jason. I took today off from work and we drove around the island. It was Michele, Jason, Uncle Larry and me.

We went to the Dole plantation and conquered the "World's Largest" maze. Our next destination was the Polynesian Cultural Center. It was very interesting. We watched a few shows, went on a canoe ride, and visited the islands of the pacific. After the PCC we met up with Michele's Aunt Dawn and Alexis for dinner at the Aloha Tower.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


I'm doing it again.... MS WALK 2007

As a founding member of the MA/COM Club (a club for students in the Master of Arts Communication program) I have taken it upon myself to spearhead a team for the MS WALK in Honolulu this April. I have set a team goal of $5,000 and an individual goal of $500. That's not a lot of money when you think about it and I really think that my team can meet and possibly surpass the goal.

As captain of the team I am asking you for support. Please follow the link below to check out my page, and you can also look at the pages of my teammates. I am still recruiting people for the team, so check back often and see how we are doing.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Hawaii Theatre for the Youth benefit

What an amazing time!! It was well worth the price of the ticket. Heidi and I arrived early at the event which allowed us to get seats in the third row, until they asked us if we wanted to move up a row. The show itself was a preview of the upcoming season. Eight HTY members were on stage along with seven actors from LOST. Matthew Fox, Henry Ian Cusack, Michael Emerson, Jorge Garcia, Elizabeth Mitchell, Terry O'Quinn and Daniel Dae Kim were there and performed for about an hour and a half. They were great, the show was a reading so no costumes but the actors were hilarious. Dr. Kearns wrote one of the plays for the upcoming season so they performed that and one of the company actors performed a short 'talk story' by Dr. Kearns. After the performance there was a meet and greet with pupu's and wine. It was a lovely time, I got my picture will everyone but Matthew Fox (apparently he had to cut out early). I also walked around with Dr. Kearns taking his photo with the actors. That small task may have allowed for me to get reimbursed for my ticket from HPU. What a very enjoyable experience.

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Great Day!

Today was awesome... last night Alexis and I decided to take a inter island trip over the Memorial day holiday. So at 12:30am we booked a one way ticket from Maui to Honolulu. That's it nothing else...we had a lot to think about but we at least wanted to book a flight back before they sold out.

At work today I was super busy... we had a career fair in our building, our incoming Dean had a web shoot in Dr.Kearns office so I was the go to girl for typing and editing all the cue cards, and I got to go shopping for HPU apparel for the cast of LOST. That's right I am attending a benefit on Sunday for the Honolulu Theater for the youth where at least 6 members from the cast of LOST will be presenting parts of the upcoming season. I bought a $100 ticket for the show and reception....not just because I am a fan of LOST but also because my boss wrote one of the plays. That is why I went and bought things for him to give to the actors... he also asked me to be the official paparazzi for HPU. I will take photos that will be used in our Alumni mag and student newspaper. Very exciting!!!

I also purchased tickets for Alexis and I to fly from Honolulu to Lanai on Memorial Day weekend. That might be a bit confusing but we are going to fly to Lanai (a small island), hang out for the day then catch the ferry that night to Maui to spend the next two nights. A friend of mine is trying to get me a good hotel rate at one of the big hotels her friend works at. My friend, Juliet, is a former Miss Hawaii so she has the hook-up.

I also made reservations for our hotel in Australia for April...we went out to a new bar, the YarD House where I had a half yard of much is going on... what a great day!

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Jackie's Kitchen

After class tonight we decided to check out the LOST viewing party at Jackie's Kitchen in the Ala Moana shopping center. They offer specials on their pupu's whichhave fun names like Hurley's pork hash. They also had trivia questions and gave away LOST merchandise during cmmercials. I think the highlight was when the man dressed as Locke came in. He had the outfit plus a fake scar drawn on his face. Very interesting.

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