Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Spring Break Blues

I always think of spring break as a happy time... but not so much this year. Monday started off great, I slept in, cleaned a bit around the apartment, went to the beach where Lynn met me (and yes.. I got a bit burnt), and I got home in time for General Hospital. Well I got a rather exciting phone call once GH ended. I had registered for a chance to enter this women's challenge sponsored by 24 hour fitness, Meadow Gold ( a dairy) and a few radio stations about two weeks ago. The women called me to set up an interview... I am a potential candidate for this 12 week competition plus they called Alexis as a possible candidate also. After hanging up I some how hurt my back. I don't just mean a little something I was in tears the pain was so bad. There I was yesterday flat out on the living room floor. Once Alexis got home she helped get me ice packs and anything else I needed.

Today I was able to move a bit more but it is still pretty painful. Alexis and I both met with the competition lady and we will know by Sunday or Monday if we have been chosen. The rest of my day consisted of laying on the living room floor and being stuck in traffic. The later half of the day was as movie marathon.... Blood Diamond and Friends with Money.

Hopefully my back gets better soon. I have gotten some great advice from reliable sources, thanks guys!

Tash, Good luck with your chance at the competition. Backs are a more difficult to understand. I hope that your back feels better soon. I have been on the floor and it is not any fun. I don't have any great advice, just as quickly as it began to hurt, it can fell better. Hopefully by now you are better.
Love, Dad
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