Thursday, March 22, 2007


TV commercial

So today Lynn and I walked out of my building at there was a small group of people with a video camera. They stopped us and asked if we would like to be in a commercial. So with a bit of hesitation we agreed. The Honolulu Advertiser was asking people a set of questions about living styles, what you drive, etc. So we put on wireless microphones and answered the questions as best we could. The women interviewing us thought we were great...very funny as she had told us to interact with each other. After the interview we were told this commercial would be airing from April - December promoting their classified section. It was an interesting experience. Hopefully if they use any of us I don't look like a freak.

Also I'm happy to report that my MS WALK team is working on a bake sale, we spoke with a corporation in our building about sponsoring us and I signed up two new members all today!! A great day for the MS WALK project! Plus Rankey got her first pledge in 20 days, GO RANKEY!!

Cool ..I am glad you got to do a commercial..I hope it looks great, and we can see it when we get there...Thanks for all you do for the MS walk...It's really appreciated..Love MOM
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