Saturday, March 03, 2007


Great Day!

Today was awesome... last night Alexis and I decided to take a inter island trip over the Memorial day holiday. So at 12:30am we booked a one way ticket from Maui to Honolulu. That's it nothing else...we had a lot to think about but we at least wanted to book a flight back before they sold out.

At work today I was super busy... we had a career fair in our building, our incoming Dean had a web shoot in Dr.Kearns office so I was the go to girl for typing and editing all the cue cards, and I got to go shopping for HPU apparel for the cast of LOST. That's right I am attending a benefit on Sunday for the Honolulu Theater for the youth where at least 6 members from the cast of LOST will be presenting parts of the upcoming season. I bought a $100 ticket for the show and reception....not just because I am a fan of LOST but also because my boss wrote one of the plays. That is why I went and bought things for him to give to the actors... he also asked me to be the official paparazzi for HPU. I will take photos that will be used in our Alumni mag and student newspaper. Very exciting!!!

I also purchased tickets for Alexis and I to fly from Honolulu to Lanai on Memorial Day weekend. That might be a bit confusing but we are going to fly to Lanai (a small island), hang out for the day then catch the ferry that night to Maui to spend the next two nights. A friend of mine is trying to get me a good hotel rate at one of the big hotels her friend works at. My friend, Juliet, is a former Miss Hawaii so she has the hook-up.

I also made reservations for our hotel in Australia for April...we went out to a new bar, the YarD House where I had a half yard of much is going on... what a great day!

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