Monday, March 12, 2007


Chinese New Year celebration

Busy weekend...
Friday night I went to a professional mixer before heading to dinner in Waikiki. A bunch of friends got together and had dinner with Michele and Jason at the Yardhouse. We had to wait just under two hours for a table, but again it was well worth it. We went around to a few others bars and Michele & Jason called it an early night.

Saturday I picked them up at their hotel, stored their luggage in the trunk of the car and we went to breakfast with Alexis, Aunt Dawn and Uncle Larry. We went to the Hungry Lion because no trip to Hawaii would be complete without eating at the Lion. In the afternoon I had to meet my class for a trip to Kalihi Valley for a project, we went hiking and I got a bunch of mosquito bites, I was not happy. After that Alexis andI went to pick up Michele & Jason for dinner. We ate at Dixie Grill and then went to Liliha Bakery for malasadas (we were a bit let down because they didn't have plain malasadas only filled). After a brief visit to the apartment it was off to the airport so they could catch their flight.

Today was relaxing. We ate at the Cha Cha Cha Salsaria in Hawaii Kai and then we headed to the beach. The water was a bit rough and the sun was hiding behind the clouds so we weren't out too long. After a nice nap we went to Hee Hing restaurant for a dinner party hosted by Dr. Wee. He invited about 40 of his friends and we celebrated the Chinese New Year with a huge feast. Now I am stuffed and ready for bed.

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