Monday, March 26, 2007


Start of spring break

Spring break is here and I am excited. Friday night we made a trip to Walmart and relaxed at home, watching the movie Casanova. Saturday morning I went to the HPU library to do some research for my thesis. In the afternoon we went to the Auto Show at the Hawaii Convention Center, very cool building but the car show wasn't that cool. We grabbed a bite to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe and headed home to prepare for the evening. We had a bachlorette party to attend. Nope neither of us or Lynn knew the bride to be... but we still went to the party. What an interesting crowd, I don't have the words to explain it.

Today, we woke up and went to church. It's always nice when the people you know at church can tell you how many weeks it has been since you were last there, haha. I had an MA/COM club and Swedish Student Association combined picnic at Ala Moana Beach Park this afternoon. We had a pretty good turn out but then it started to rain so I headed home. After talking to Laura for a bit on the phone, Alexis and I went to see the new movie with Marky Mark, Shooter. Pretty good movie. Currently we are watching a LOST marathon, finishing up season 1.

Another two days of spring break for me with no class or work!!

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