Saturday, March 31, 2007


My back and BEER

So another day down and I am not feeling much better. Yesterday I thought things went well, I stayed at work all day then decided to walk a little out of the way to go the Dog the Bounty Hunter gift shop (which was closed), I think that was a mistake. I was almost unable to finish walking home, multiple times Alexis asked if she should go home and get the car to come pick me up. But I pushed on and had a miserable night.

This morning was still bad...this is now day four of back pain. I called in sick to work and Alexis had me call the advice nurse. People keep telling me it will get better with time but as of now, I just want it to get better with pain medication. So I spoke with the nurse she said I should come in and transferred me to the clinic to make an appointment, mind you this is all before 8am. A different nurse had to call me back and see about an appointment for me. She offered me one in the afternoon or one tomorrow (Saturday)... I wanted to see if it would get any better with time so I chose the appointment tomorrow. It's a good thing I did that.

I offered to take Alexis to the Long's parking lot (about half way to work) where I was going to purchase a heating pad. We got to the car buckled ourselves in and I turned the key...nothing. The darn thing wouldn't start. Alexis headed off to work, late already, we both made several phone calls and I consulted with the neighbor, finally we decided it was the battery. But we know nothing about cars so a little bit latter a tow truck came and whisked the Camry away. I was able to go get the car at 3pm, it was less than a half mile away so I walked which seemed ok. My crazy back doesn't make any sense to me.

As we were eating dinner Talsha brought us tickets to the Gaelic Beer Festival which we had talked about earlier in the week. So I bucked up and away we went... there were heavy pupu's (Shepard's pie, fish & chips, haggis, etc.) and a bunch of beer plus an assortment of scotch. It was held at the Willows which is a real nice place. We had a few drinks and headed home.

When is that walk you were doing for MS? Can I still get in on it?Hope your back gets better. Love, Grandma
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