Wednesday, August 30, 2006



So last night Alexis and I were sitting on the couch and we felt a slight shaking motion. Neither of us knew what was happening and we went off to bed unsure if the other person had caused the commotion or if the nieghbors had gotten a little rowdy.....

A freakin EARTHQUAKE...... yeah that's was a small one like a 3-4 on the Richter scale but enough for the majority of the island felt it. Shocking.... What kind of place did I move to??? Hurricanes, tsunami's, earthquakes, giant cockroaches...ahhh!!!

Sunday, August 27, 2006


Greatest night EVER

OK it is official last night was a whole lot of fun. We joined some friends for Jeanine's last night out as she is moving back to California on Monday. We did some bar hopping ending up at Zan Za Bar, a club with a $10 cover. I would have paid more than $10 for the fun we had inside. So here it is... the highlight of the evening..... LELAND and Youngblood from Dog the Bounty Hunter were inside
n Za Bar. And yes.... here are the pictures and I even chatted with Leland for a while. It was a great night!!

Saturday, August 26, 2006



So a few days ago Alexis and I came home from work to find a strange man parked in our parking lot watching these bright shiny new mailboxes. The mailboxes all had keys in them and we were told that it would be a few minutes. So we went up stairs and decided to check the mail at a later time. During the next trip to the mailbox there was a handwritten sign from the "property manager" saying that Allan our association president will be giving out all the keys to Owners and until then, we could check our mail at the post office (2 miles away). How confusing is that?? Especially since neither Alexis or I are the owners of this unit, where is our mail key going to go?

Today we went to the post office and they looked at us as if we were aliens. "Why would we have your mailbox key?" they asked. It was insane so we got our mail, skipped our hike ate a an awesome shrimp shack and came home. I did stop by to see Libby, our friendly neighbor, who is on the board for the building. She directed me to talk with Allan and if he had a problem giving us the keys, she would call him herself.

And that's where the mailbox story ends...I plan on making an appearance at Allan's place sometime in the very near future!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Big Brother 7

Ok...Alexis did this to me...but I have become addicted to Big know the crazy tv show that is on 3 days a week where people get voted out of the house and have crazy competitions. From the beginning I didn't really want to get involved but now its like I can't stop. We are even able to watch it on the computer if we miss a show thanks to CBS.

As of now I am rooting for Janelle or Will to win.
It's a crazy show..... if you watch it, let me know your thoughts....

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Thank You!

Thanks to everyone that has left comments to keep me going. I really like this blog and I'm glad you all do too!!

Let's see... this weekend we went hiking on Saturday to Jackass Ginger (Judd Memorial Trail). It was an easy hike aside from feeling lost during most of it. It was deep in the rainforest of the Nuuanu Valley and the path was not clearly marked. At one point we ventured down the wrong path and came a cross what we think was someone's home. Then once back on the right path, we encountered a weird area where all the trees had a number in blue paint, and were talking about a lot of trees. It almost looked like someone was going to clear trees to build a house. Very strange.

Saturday afternoon we went to my friend/co-workers house on he Marine Corps Base Hawaii to play with her dog as they were out of town. We hit a bit of a snag going in as all the paper work wasn't at the check in station. But after calling Talsha she was able to straighten it out and we were let on base. We stayed with Bebe (the dog) for 4 hours, we ordered pizza, watched a movie, took her on a walk and to the beach. Over all it was a lot of fun, hopefully we can go back sometime this week again....

Once we got home we showered and took a nap until we got ready for our night out on the town.. we ended up at our favorite place, Nashville.

Today is just a lazy day... I am going to try and finish my exam for my summer class and relax.

Friday, August 18, 2006


Are you reading this?

Ok family and friends...I need to ANYONE still reading this blog.... do you care if I continue to blog?? If you care and enjoy reading my tales, please leave me a comment. I need to know people are still enjoying this and that it is not a waste of time.....because I do enjoy writing it...let me know!!


Wednesday, August 16, 2006



Today I went to the dentist for the first time here in Hawaii. She is located right in my work building on the first floor. I chose her because others had recommended her. Her office was bright and cheery with a stuffed moose head and flat panel TV hanging on the wall. An assistant started with me, took my X-Rays and got me seated. Then the dentist came in and completed the visit. It was a surprise to me as every other dentist I have been to usually has the dental assistant do the actual cleaning. But not here, it was really nice and she talked all about teeth and proper care, not the small talk I normally get from an assistant. It was always hard to answer questions as they are cleaning your mouth but today was great.

No cavities... but she was concerned with teeth grinding. So if anyone knows if I grind my teeth or did as a child, please let me know :-)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


What a weekend

I had a wonderful weekend. Saturday morning we got up, picked up my extremely heavy package from the post office and headed towards Hawaii Kai for our hiking adventure. We choose a short hike near Hanauma Bay so we could also check out the snorkeling. Koko Head crater is a "novice" hike in all the literature I've read but it was a steep incline. The trail over looks Hanauma Bay where we attempted to snorkel but do to the children's size snorkel gear (we purchased, yes I said purchased I mean really it didn't say children it said Kekei, the Hawaiian word for kid, you wouldn't have know it either) and while at the bay I found out Alexis is slightly afraid of fish. So needless to say, I need to find a new snorkel buddy. After our morning of fun we came back and worked on homework before my night out dancing.

Sunday was our planned North Shore beach day. We got a bunch of food, some alcohol, and some friends together to head up there. But first we went to Lynn's to partake in a Hookah, before we went North. A group of five girls went to the beach and even tried to start a fire (we had a log) to make smores. Unfortunately the log would not light so we were out of luck. We watched the sunset then made the long trip back. It was a great time!

Today however is another story. I officially work for the college of Business administration at Hawaii Pacific University. I am not adjusting well but it was only day one. Hopefully once the move is over and someone tells me what I am supposed to do things will be better... or I will have a new job. I'll continue to keep you posted on that situation.

Monday, August 07, 2006


Super Hiker

Sunday we got back on the horse...ok not literally but we started hiking again. While I was home Dad bought me a pair of hiking boots so they needed breaking in.
We tackled the Manoa Falls trail. It was fairly easy even with the rain constant rain. The weird thing was paying to park in a random lot, it almost seemed like a random guy collecting $5. I guess it would be a good way to make some money :-)

Friday, August 04, 2006


Back on the ROCK

Thank you to everyone I was able to spend time with while back in Wisconsin. I had a great time and hung out with a lot of great people. I love you all you made my time home very enjoyable!

Now that I am back on the ROCK... things are a bit hectic.... at least on the work front.... After my long plane trip home, Alexis and Heidi greeted me with a lei and a sign with my name on it. The weather was great and it was nice to get back to my apartment to prepare for work. Monday morning I went to work. I forgot to grab my keys so I had to stand outside until Alexis came to save the day! Later Talsha arrived with a lei and a singing birthday was really nice, then things turned sour.

Apparently while I was away some changes had been made..... my department is being moved from our offices down the hall and a new department is moving in. All was fine and dandy until Talsha had to tell me that I was not moving with them. Yes you heard it right the powers that be decided that me (the college of Communication secretary) should stay with the suite. So now I am the College of Business Administration secretary with a new boss and supervisor...etc.... I still don't have everything figured out since the two Deans involved are both gone until sometime next week but time will tell. I am a bit upset since I was hired for the College of Communication and not the Business College....

to be continued...

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