Saturday, August 26, 2006



So a few days ago Alexis and I came home from work to find a strange man parked in our parking lot watching these bright shiny new mailboxes. The mailboxes all had keys in them and we were told that it would be a few minutes. So we went up stairs and decided to check the mail at a later time. During the next trip to the mailbox there was a handwritten sign from the "property manager" saying that Allan our association president will be giving out all the keys to Owners and until then, we could check our mail at the post office (2 miles away). How confusing is that?? Especially since neither Alexis or I are the owners of this unit, where is our mail key going to go?

Today we went to the post office and they looked at us as if we were aliens. "Why would we have your mailbox key?" they asked. It was insane so we got our mail, skipped our hike ate a an awesome shrimp shack and came home. I did stop by to see Libby, our friendly neighbor, who is on the board for the building. She directed me to talk with Allan and if he had a problem giving us the keys, she would call him herself.

And that's where the mailbox story ends...I plan on making an appearance at Allan's place sometime in the very near future!!

Tasha...I just sent you some mail and I wanted to send the other thing...You remember its real small, and I got it at the you will get the one thing I sent but I will wait til I know you have a mailbox at home to send the other ...Have a great day! ....I love you MOM
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