Tuesday, August 15, 2006


What a weekend

I had a wonderful weekend. Saturday morning we got up, picked up my extremely heavy package from the post office and headed towards Hawaii Kai for our hiking adventure. We choose a short hike near Hanauma Bay so we could also check out the snorkeling. Koko Head crater is a "novice" hike in all the literature I've read but it was a steep incline. The trail over looks Hanauma Bay where we attempted to snorkel but do to the children's size snorkel gear (we purchased, yes I said purchased I mean really it didn't say children it said Kekei, the Hawaiian word for kid, you wouldn't have know it either) and while at the bay I found out Alexis is slightly afraid of fish. So needless to say, I need to find a new snorkel buddy. After our morning of fun we came back and worked on homework before my night out dancing.

Sunday was our planned North Shore beach day. We got a bunch of food, some alcohol, and some friends together to head up there. But first we went to Lynn's to partake in a Hookah, before we went North. A group of five girls went to the beach and even tried to start a fire (we had a log) to make smores. Unfortunately the log would not light so we were out of luck. We watched the sunset then made the long trip back. It was a great time!

Today however is another story. I officially work for the college of Business administration at Hawaii Pacific University. I am not adjusting well but it was only day one. Hopefully once the move is over and someone tells me what I am supposed to do things will be better... or I will have a new job. I'll continue to keep you posted on that situation.

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