Wednesday, August 16, 2006



Today I went to the dentist for the first time here in Hawaii. She is located right in my work building on the first floor. I chose her because others had recommended her. Her office was bright and cheery with a stuffed moose head and flat panel TV hanging on the wall. An assistant started with me, took my X-Rays and got me seated. Then the dentist came in and completed the visit. It was a surprise to me as every other dentist I have been to usually has the dental assistant do the actual cleaning. But not here, it was really nice and she talked all about teeth and proper care, not the small talk I normally get from an assistant. It was always hard to answer questions as they are cleaning your mouth but today was great.

No cavities... but she was concerned with teeth grinding. So if anyone knows if I grind my teeth or did as a child, please let me know :-)

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