Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Big Brother 7

Ok...Alexis did this to me...but I have become addicted to Big know the crazy tv show that is on 3 days a week where people get voted out of the house and have crazy competitions. From the beginning I didn't really want to get involved but now its like I can't stop. We are even able to watch it on the computer if we miss a show thanks to CBS.

As of now I am rooting for Janelle or Will to win.
It's a crazy show..... if you watch it, let me know your thoughts....

Oops, I broke a nail! Bye Bitches!!!!

Go Janelle!
i am watching it now .your aunt shirl loves that darn show,but i sure dont want that whinney janelle to win -- anyone else
big brother is horrible...i used all my wedding money to buy 24 season's 1, 2, 3, & 4......HI TASHA....Jason
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