Sunday, August 20, 2006


Thank You!

Thanks to everyone that has left comments to keep me going. I really like this blog and I'm glad you all do too!!

Let's see... this weekend we went hiking on Saturday to Jackass Ginger (Judd Memorial Trail). It was an easy hike aside from feeling lost during most of it. It was deep in the rainforest of the Nuuanu Valley and the path was not clearly marked. At one point we ventured down the wrong path and came a cross what we think was someone's home. Then once back on the right path, we encountered a weird area where all the trees had a number in blue paint, and were talking about a lot of trees. It almost looked like someone was going to clear trees to build a house. Very strange.

Saturday afternoon we went to my friend/co-workers house on he Marine Corps Base Hawaii to play with her dog as they were out of town. We hit a bit of a snag going in as all the paper work wasn't at the check in station. But after calling Talsha she was able to straighten it out and we were let on base. We stayed with Bebe (the dog) for 4 hours, we ordered pizza, watched a movie, took her on a walk and to the beach. Over all it was a lot of fun, hopefully we can go back sometime this week again....

Once we got home we showered and took a nap until we got ready for our night out on the town.. we ended up at our favorite place, Nashville.

Today is just a lazy day... I am going to try and finish my exam for my summer class and relax.

Glad you had a nice weekend....Sure wish we were there again..Can't wait to see you this Winter...Maybe sooner if we meet in Vegas...Take Care, Love Bob

P.S. I do read your blog when I can.
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