Friday, August 18, 2006


Are you reading this?

Ok family and friends...I need to ANYONE still reading this blog.... do you care if I continue to blog?? If you care and enjoy reading my tales, please leave me a comment. I need to know people are still enjoying this and that it is not a waste of time.....because I do enjoy writing it...let me know!!


Yes I read it all the time...I enjoy reading it..Love you MOM
Tasha wanted to let you know that I start my day checking your blog. I would love to continue reading about life in Hawaii.


I do read your entries and enjoy them. I check the blog daily to see what is new. It is an easy way for people to keep up with your exploits in Hawaii. I know of others who also read it, but might not comment.

Have a great day,
It's kind of silly, but I love your blog. Keep it up, man, your fans need you! Look how many people have commented so far.
Hey Tasha,
I do love reading your blogs. Since I haven't talked to you in a long time, it's so nice to hear how your life is going. Things are great here with Peter! Hopefully we can talk soon. You can e-mail me. What a great time for you to be in Hawaii. It is one of my favorite places. Keep up the blogging, it's fun!

Megan (Northrup) Fitzgerald
Tasha....i read your blog too....maybe not everyday but at least once a week sometimes 3 times....thanks for the wedding gift. It was a pleasant surprise...who delivered it for you? just wondering....keep on writing......JASON
i love your blog. its a way for me to know what goes on . and to see the pictures you post from there/
dont stop keep it going
Hey Natasha!!

Haven't to you for a while but I love hearing about Hawaii. I read your blog all the time. Hope all is well with you:)

I read it...maybe not everyday, but I do enjoy reading it. It is nice to hear what is going on.
love ya
Yes Tash, I look forward to your blog. It's one of my bright spots during the week--don't stop--Love, Your Grandmother.
I read it everyday, Natasha and do enjoy to see how your days are going....
Natasha, Keep up with your blog. You take me places that Dave and I missed when we were there. Besides, some times it like reading a good book and wonder what is going to happen in the next chapter. Did you ever try the frozen chocolate covered bananas? As a matter of fact I have 6 in the freezer now for the grandchildren. Your great aunt, Leona
Hey bitch!!! I'm keeping up with these blogs as much as I can (no internet at the house anymore). Keeping coming!!!
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