Tuesday, March 28, 2006


They made it ....

Mom and Bob made it to the Island of Oahu on Thursday night, they started their vacation here after 25 straight days of rain on the island. Over the next few days we relaxed, they bought things for the apartment and went whale watching. We saw a bunch of dolphins which was very cool and a female whale and calf. The boat ride itself was pretty rough, I was actually getting sick by the end of it. But it was fun.

Sunday we left for the Big Island. Upon arrival Sunday morning, we found that DOLLAR rental car company had no car for us. Yes, we had a reservation along with several other people, and still we waited around an hour to get our car. Once in our car, we headed to Volcano National Park. There has been a constant lava flow since 1983, it was really cool. We also found a beautiful black sand beach, it was amazing.

Today, we drove around looking at waterfalls and small towns on the eastern coast of the Big Island. We saw the Akaka Falls (see photo on right), I recommend it to anyone, it was beautiful. We also found some great lava area along the coast. The road we were driving on soon became a one-way road in the back country. Where mom actually had me pick up a coconut and then a few miles down the road throw it back. It was crazy. On that road, we also saw a sign....

Slow Down
Fa Ka
10 MPH

How crazy is that sign...needless to say, by the end of a rainy day we were ready to fly back to Oahu. If I go back, I would spend more time hiking and checking out the Kona side of the Big Island.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I made a sail boat

Today started off bad...well lets review last night when the dryer/water heater switch stopped working. So yes this morning (thankfully I shower before Alexis) I had a hot shower but Alexis wasn't as lucky. I have made a call to our landlord and an electrician so hopefully sometime soon we can have it looked at and fixed. Hopefully before mom and Bob get here Thursday.

This evening in class we were given a task... we broke off into groups of 6-7 people and had to create a 3-D object out of only the things we brought to class, not including ourselves. We were given two hours to do so (way too much time) and my group made a sail boat. No it wouldn't be seaworthy...but it resembled a sail boat. We used 4 umbrellas, band aides, expo pens plus a few other items. The other two groups were less exciting....they made people (helmet girl and Angelina junior). This task was placed upon us to evaluate and discuss our current topic of Groups and their interaction.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


"Please do not touch me"

While walking downtown last night around 8:30pm, two homeless men approached Alexis and I at the corner of Bethel and Hotel Streets. I have to admit it is a bit creepy downtown at night, but in pairs it is usually ok. Below you will find the break down of our interaction with these two men....

They cross the street approaching us...

Homeless man 1 says "Hey sisters, we are brothers (two little white men)"

One is closely approaching Alexis as I continue to walk...

Alexis says "Please do not touch me" as the man makes a motion of a hug towards her.

we both keep walking...

As homeless man 2 says " Do you have any food on you?"

Ok honestly, I had my small purse with me and Alexis had nothing...did they think we were hiding a seven course meal in our pocket? Very odd...

Friday, March 17, 2006



After class a group of us went to Mercury. I have to say this was my first experience...with a professor at a bar. Yes, one of my classmates invited him along where we proceeded to have a nice evening. However it was a bit odd, maybe its graduate school or how things work around here...but it was odd. We had some drinks, and then he drove us home, with a stop at Jack in the Box for junior bacon cheeseburgers, fries and ten tacos for him..... what a strange night.....

Thursday, March 16, 2006



This week has been cake...and I am eating it tonight also. It is Wednesday evening and Heidi brought over a cake from the grocery store. She always comes over Wednesday nights to watch LOST, but it was a rerun tonight.

Last night Alexis and I went to TGIFridays. Not the same as Wisconsin. Back home we could eat a bunch of appetizers and drink a couple beers for $25. Not here....$45 later... we had two drinks each (I'm not drinking beer so mine were a bit more expensive) and a bunch of appetizers. Can you believe a 22oz Blue Moon cost $6.75. Just proves the only cheap thing I have found is the dollar theater... and thats not saying too much...

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Nice Butts

What a weekend...Friday night started a bit calm. We ventured into uncharted territory by going to the Shinsho tei bar in the strip mall. It was packed with locals, singing like crazy. We only stayed for for one drink...but Heidi stayed longer.

Saturday was an interesting day. I had a midterm in the morning (I am hoping that she grades it on a curve). After a short nap, Alexis and I went to the beach where a older gentleman talked with us and told us, "I honestly must say you girls have nice butts." Then he walked away, very weird. The rest of the evening was fun. We met up with Linda and Heidi and some of Linda's friends. We also ended up at Nashville, like usual. I did some more two-stepping and we called it a night.

Today was pretty low key. I had the worst movie going experience EVER. We went to the budget $1 theater to see The New World. The movie was bad and we were crammed in, there wasn't an empty seat in the house. The girls behind us we very rude, kicking my chair and constantly talking. The movie was long and pretty boring. I also got hit in the head with some girls purse....over all, not fun. The rest of the evening went better...

Saturday, March 11, 2006


I went to Detox tonight

Keep reading.....not alcohol detox, a bar for happy hour. We had some pupu's and a drink after work then headed home. Last night I went to a cute Irish pub, Murphy's, after work for a study group. We had dinner, discussed class and then I headed home. Murphy's will be part of the big block party on St.Patty's day next weekend.

Life at home seems to be getting better. My understanding is that mom and Bob are both doing ok now. Mom may not have to have any other testing until after they get home from Hawaii. Yes that's right...they arrive in less then two weeks. I am so excited!!

Tomorrow morning I have a midterm which will be the end of my crazy long week. I am very excited but for now, I need to go study.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006



Nothing really exciting going on here.... a lot of studying and paper writing. After this week, things should get better. I am fighting a chest cold so I have been trying to get to bed early so I can recover from that.

FYI - I just made the comment section of this blog open for anyone to leave comments, you no longer have to be a member of blogger. So please feel free to leave me messages......

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Back by popular demand.....

Well I have heard from a few people that I am slacking with the blog. I'm very sorry.... things have been a bit strange around here for me. First the weather this past week was crazy. It is winter so I should expect something other than sunshine everyday...but I am thankful that I live where I do. There has been a lot of rain on the Windward side, enough to close down major tourist attractions, a hwy and several schools. I think things should be getting better now...there is now sign of rain today :-)

Classes are going good...this week is going to be pretty busy with midterms and a couple papers due. But thats ok..... I have been cleaning and working on homework today. Yesterday we went to the beach. It was raining on and off so it was a bit of a bummer, but Alexis still managed to get a bit of color (to say it nicely). We also went out for a little bit last night but ended up at Denny's for a little snack with all the drunk people.

On the home front... things aren't as good as I stated in my last post. Bob is going back to work tomorrow and mom actually will be seeing multiple doctors next week for a new concern. As things progress more I will explain then. We still don't know exactly whats happening......

I'll do my best to keep up with my blog..... be patient or email me if you are interested in knowing more...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras...Honolulu style. Apparently this is the place to be to celebrate a holiday. This evening they had a street party for Mardi Gras. They roped off two city blocks on Nu'uanau for a big party. There were two stages with live music and a bunch of beads. Our friend Heidi was actually in charge of part of it... so she got us some beads instead of having to earn them the traditional way. It was a lot of fun and with in walking distance of home. The music stopped at 10pm so there was plenty of time to come home and still get a good nights sleep. It was very enjoyable!

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