Sunday, March 05, 2006


Back by popular demand.....

Well I have heard from a few people that I am slacking with the blog. I'm very sorry.... things have been a bit strange around here for me. First the weather this past week was crazy. It is winter so I should expect something other than sunshine everyday...but I am thankful that I live where I do. There has been a lot of rain on the Windward side, enough to close down major tourist attractions, a hwy and several schools. I think things should be getting better now...there is now sign of rain today :-)

Classes are going good...this week is going to be pretty busy with midterms and a couple papers due. But thats ok..... I have been cleaning and working on homework today. Yesterday we went to the beach. It was raining on and off so it was a bit of a bummer, but Alexis still managed to get a bit of color (to say it nicely). We also went out for a little bit last night but ended up at Denny's for a little snack with all the drunk people.

On the home front... things aren't as good as I stated in my last post. Bob is going back to work tomorrow and mom actually will be seeing multiple doctors next week for a new concern. As things progress more I will explain then. We still don't know exactly whats happening......

I'll do my best to keep up with my blog..... be patient or email me if you are interested in knowing more...

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