Sunday, March 19, 2006


"Please do not touch me"

While walking downtown last night around 8:30pm, two homeless men approached Alexis and I at the corner of Bethel and Hotel Streets. I have to admit it is a bit creepy downtown at night, but in pairs it is usually ok. Below you will find the break down of our interaction with these two men....

They cross the street approaching us...

Homeless man 1 says "Hey sisters, we are brothers (two little white men)"

One is closely approaching Alexis as I continue to walk...

Alexis says "Please do not touch me" as the man makes a motion of a hug towards her.

we both keep walking...

As homeless man 2 says " Do you have any food on you?"

Ok honestly, I had my small purse with me and Alexis had nothing...did they think we were hiding a seven course meal in our pocket? Very odd...

Hi Tash!

Sounds kinda crazy! Hope all is well. I enjoy reading about your days there. =)

sm:)es and hugs- Jen
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