Sunday, March 12, 2006


Nice Butts

What a weekend...Friday night started a bit calm. We ventured into uncharted territory by going to the Shinsho tei bar in the strip mall. It was packed with locals, singing like crazy. We only stayed for for one drink...but Heidi stayed longer.

Saturday was an interesting day. I had a midterm in the morning (I am hoping that she grades it on a curve). After a short nap, Alexis and I went to the beach where a older gentleman talked with us and told us, "I honestly must say you girls have nice butts." Then he walked away, very weird. The rest of the evening was fun. We met up with Linda and Heidi and some of Linda's friends. We also ended up at Nashville, like usual. I did some more two-stepping and we called it a night.

Today was pretty low key. I had the worst movie going experience EVER. We went to the budget $1 theater to see The New World. The movie was bad and we were crammed in, there wasn't an empty seat in the house. The girls behind us we very rude, kicking my chair and constantly talking. The movie was long and pretty boring. I also got hit in the head with some girls purse....over all, not fun. The rest of the evening went better...

I can count at least 22 times that I have said "You have a nice butt." You never listen to me.
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