Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I made a sail boat

Today started off bad...well lets review last night when the dryer/water heater switch stopped working. So yes this morning (thankfully I shower before Alexis) I had a hot shower but Alexis wasn't as lucky. I have made a call to our landlord and an electrician so hopefully sometime soon we can have it looked at and fixed. Hopefully before mom and Bob get here Thursday.

This evening in class we were given a task... we broke off into groups of 6-7 people and had to create a 3-D object out of only the things we brought to class, not including ourselves. We were given two hours to do so (way too much time) and my group made a sail boat. No it wouldn't be seaworthy...but it resembled a sail boat. We used 4 umbrellas, band aides, expo pens plus a few other items. The other two groups were less exciting....they made people (helmet girl and Angelina junior). This task was placed upon us to evaluate and discuss our current topic of Groups and their interaction.

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