Tuesday, March 28, 2006


They made it ....

Mom and Bob made it to the Island of Oahu on Thursday night, they started their vacation here after 25 straight days of rain on the island. Over the next few days we relaxed, they bought things for the apartment and went whale watching. We saw a bunch of dolphins which was very cool and a female whale and calf. The boat ride itself was pretty rough, I was actually getting sick by the end of it. But it was fun.

Sunday we left for the Big Island. Upon arrival Sunday morning, we found that DOLLAR rental car company had no car for us. Yes, we had a reservation along with several other people, and still we waited around an hour to get our car. Once in our car, we headed to Volcano National Park. There has been a constant lava flow since 1983, it was really cool. We also found a beautiful black sand beach, it was amazing.

Today, we drove around looking at waterfalls and small towns on the eastern coast of the Big Island. We saw the Akaka Falls (see photo on right), I recommend it to anyone, it was beautiful. We also found some great lava area along the coast. The road we were driving on soon became a one-way road in the back country. Where mom actually had me pick up a coconut and then a few miles down the road throw it back. It was crazy. On that road, we also saw a sign....

Slow Down
Fa Ka
10 MPH

How crazy is that sign...needless to say, by the end of a rainy day we were ready to fly back to Oahu. If I go back, I would spend more time hiking and checking out the Kona side of the Big Island.

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