Sunday, February 24, 2008


Denver's Light Rail

Today was my first trip on the light rail, a mode of public transportation here in Denver. It ended up being more expensive then just driving downtown, as long as there are two or more people. Alexis and I found a nice brew pub on the 16th St. Mall. We did not last long, after a few drinks at dinner we decided it was too cold and we were a bit tired, so we headed back to the light rail station.

While riding back, transit security came around to check tickets. Of course we had ours but the cute elderly couple next to us did not have their tickets. But they lied to security telling him that they were with two young men seated next to them. It was amusing as later on the ride, the couple discussed how they didn't have tickets... sneaky sneaky.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Fort Collins Brewery

Since it was a beautiful day we drove up to Fort Collins, about 60 miles north of Denver. Fort Collins is the home of 5 or 6 brew houses. We went to the CooperSmith Pub & Brewery for lunch then headed over to Fort Collins Brewery. FCB was a lot of fun, we enjoyed a sample plater of their beers which ended with Alexis purchasing a lifetime membership to their tap club.

After leaving Fort Collins we headed to Loveland to a winery. Trail Ridge Winery was supposed to be open until 4:30pm today, but it was closed. So we went shopping at the outlet mall in Loveland.

Monday, February 18, 2008


President's Day '08

It has been a busy holiday weekend. Saturday morning Alexis's parents arrived we headed out to Golden, CO to the Coors Brewery and then up Lookout Mountain to see Buffalo Bill's grave. For dinner we met Alexis' cousin, Chad, at PF Changs, after a little confusion and poor directions we finally ate a little before 9pm. Sunday we ended up at the Castle Rock outlet mall, I must say it is a very nice mall, huge & full of fun stores. In the afternoon we went recliner shopping, since Alexis couldn't fit her recliner in the mini van, her parents offered to buy her a new one. In addition to the recliner, they also bought a high table for the dining room (attached is a picture looking from our entry way). Seems like everything is coming together nicely.

Steve and Linda left this morning so I ran a few errands, found a couple good deals at Goodwill then headed to Wallaby's Liquor Warehouse. It was a bit funny when I asked if they had old fashion mix and they chuckled and asked where I was from. Good times!

A big thanks to my girls... Beth, Jen, & Laura... the Orchid plant is beautiful. Many Mahalos & Much Love!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I made it to DENVER!!

After a long road trip with Bob driving we made it to Denver Saturday afternoon. Mom and Bob were great... Bob did all the heavy lifting & driving and mom got me all the little touches I needed, like food, and bathroom things. Bob had to fly out on Sunday but mom stayed with us until this morning. After days of unpacking, I think I am almost finished (2 boxes left).

The apartment itself is in a great location. About 2.5 miles from a mall, movie theatre, Target, etc. We are also on a main road that leads into the city. For being on a 6 lane road we are set back a bit and it is quiet. We have a huge three bedroom on the thrid floor, only downfall is the walk up or at least when we have to carry a lot of stuff.

The weather has been great, today it was 60 degrees and tonight it is supposed to snow up to 6 inches. I can't complain much, it is beautiful. Please let me know if you would like my new mailing address... and start planning a trip to visit!

Thursday, February 07, 2008


Uhaul pick-up

We went to Columbus to pick up my Uhaul today. There was one little snag... my towing package on the new truck isn't up to par. I actaully have to take the truck in to Zimbrick tomorrow morning, before 8am to have them fix it. But aside from that we loaded up the Uhaul so now all we need to do is load up the truck bed and away we go.

The plan is to leave around 5pm tomorrow. Hopefully making it to Des Moines or even Omaha before stopping for the night. Arriving in Denver on Saturday afternoon.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Thankful for the snow??

Here I am looking out the windows at nearly 16" of snow. I guess it couldn't have happened at a better time, if it waited two more days travel would have been out of the question for the weekend. But the roads should be cleared by mid day tomorrow.

Since I was inside all day, I got a lot of packing finished. There are still a few things I need to contain but for the most part the living room has turned into my storage space. Bob seems a bit unsure that everything will fit into the 5x8 trailer I have reserved... time will tell.

After a lot of thought, Mom & Bob will be flying back from Denver. Bob will be flying back on Sunday and mom will stay with us a few more days, returning on Wednesday. It will be a big help to have mom there the additional days.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008



Well I finally found MY vechicle. After weeks of looking mom and I stumbled upon my new truck this morning. We even made the deal with out Bob, however we did make a lot of phone calls to him and my dad just to get opinions on things. This was the first vechicle I had driven as I always had Bob test drive the others I looked at. I feel really good about the purchase. It is a 2005 Nissan Frontier, fully loaded, leather with heated seats, moonroof, running boards, etc...

Aside from vechicle shopping. the past few days have been pretty busy. Mom and I have been shopping like crazy.

On Thursday we went to Title Consultants in Beaver Dam for a quick visit then we headed to lunch with Granny & George (my graduation treat). As soon as we walked in the door I saw the cutest little girl, they had brought my god-daughter Kyra and Aunt Debbie. Gosh Kyra has grown a ton. It was delightful to have lunch with all of them, plus a little Chinese American food is always good.

Friday night I saw Dad & Kristal. We went for a fish fry (very traditional midwestern meal). It was a nice night.

Alexis arrived on Saturday, just in time to head up to the Kingston House for prime rib dinner. Then off the Madison to see some friends and of course to the RED SHED.

Sunday we spent a couple hours outside helping cut trees and haul them up to the woodburner. It was actually warmer then I thought (I was wearing long underwear). Lots of work, but fun. Sunday night was our Superbowl party here at the house. Lots of family stopped by plus Laura & Ryan and Jill & Carl. It was great too see everyone. I gotta give props to mom... we had a wonderful ham and chili plus a bunch of other sides. It was yummy and for dessert the Giants won!!

Today I went to lunch with Grandma Marion. We ate at Red Lobster, it has been a long time since I was there. But it was good to catch up with her and of course, the lobster was great!

Things are progressing for my move... I reserved a uhaul today and as long as the weather looks clear we should be heading out Friday for Colorado.

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