Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Thankful for the snow??

Here I am looking out the windows at nearly 16" of snow. I guess it couldn't have happened at a better time, if it waited two more days travel would have been out of the question for the weekend. But the roads should be cleared by mid day tomorrow.

Since I was inside all day, I got a lot of packing finished. There are still a few things I need to contain but for the most part the living room has turned into my storage space. Bob seems a bit unsure that everything will fit into the 5x8 trailer I have reserved... time will tell.

After a lot of thought, Mom & Bob will be flying back from Denver. Bob will be flying back on Sunday and mom will stay with us a few more days, returning on Wednesday. It will be a big help to have mom there the additional days.

This is what Colorado is like too Tash--so it's good practise!! Be very careful and have a safe trip. Love, Grandma Marian
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