Monday, February 18, 2008


President's Day '08

It has been a busy holiday weekend. Saturday morning Alexis's parents arrived we headed out to Golden, CO to the Coors Brewery and then up Lookout Mountain to see Buffalo Bill's grave. For dinner we met Alexis' cousin, Chad, at PF Changs, after a little confusion and poor directions we finally ate a little before 9pm. Sunday we ended up at the Castle Rock outlet mall, I must say it is a very nice mall, huge & full of fun stores. In the afternoon we went recliner shopping, since Alexis couldn't fit her recliner in the mini van, her parents offered to buy her a new one. In addition to the recliner, they also bought a high table for the dining room (attached is a picture looking from our entry way). Seems like everything is coming together nicely.

Steve and Linda left this morning so I ran a few errands, found a couple good deals at Goodwill then headed to Wallaby's Liquor Warehouse. It was a bit funny when I asked if they had old fashion mix and they chuckled and asked where I was from. Good times!

A big thanks to my girls... Beth, Jen, & Laura... the Orchid plant is beautiful. Many Mahalos & Much Love!

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