Sunday, March 30, 2008


David Beckham

Last night I went to opening night of the Colorado Rapids Soccer team. They played the LA Galaxy and their captain David Beckham. It was cool to see Becks play in Colorado and even better to see the Rapids win 4-0. I don't know much about the game but I would consider going back again.

Friday, March 28, 2008


Tubing in Fraser

Today we loaded up the Frontier and took a drive into the Rocky Mountains. We drove about 75 miles from our apartment. It was great to the the snow and mountains up close.

We travelled into the town of Fraser where we spent $17 for an hours worth of fun on the tubing hill. There was even a two lift for you and your tube. It was only about 32 degrees out but it was hot with the sun beating down. Definitely on the list to do again sometime.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Happy Easter 2008

I cooked a wonderful Easter dinner for Alexis and Lynn today. We decided against driving to Alexis' cousins parents house which is nearly nearly two hours away. So instead I cooked a ham, veggie casserole, mashed potatoes, and rolls with Devil's Food cake for dessert.

We spent the day watching NCAA basketball and worked on our music collections for our ipods.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Life in Denver

Nothing too exciting to report for this week. Lynn and I have been out making new friends, Alexis made it back safely, & Buckeye is still alive after several mishaps.

I had my interview on Monday. I thought it went really well. The job would be very challenging but rewarding. Basically it is a new position and it would deal with all areas of communication from crisis to event planning and internal communications. They will let me know next week if I get a second interview with members of the board.

My other interview was delayed due to a death. So instead of going in tomorrow, I have an interview scheduled for April 4th. Seems like a long time to wait.

Attached is a picture from the St. Patty's parade. The spokesperson for the campaign "the heat is on" is the current Miss Colorado.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Exciting Week

This past week Lynn and I have had a lot of fun. We met some new friends, went to a toga party, went on a "girls night out," walked in a huge St. Patty's Day parade and ate some L&L with a new friend. It has been a really fun week and we made some fun new friends....

As for jobs... I have two interviews set-up for this week. Both at non-profits and both desirable positions.

Thursday, March 06, 2008


Lynn Arrived!

I faced two very different emotions today. I was at a very low point during Brett Favre's press conference. Yes, I did cry again. How could you not, watching Favre break down. Overall I enjoyed listening to Brett talk, however, his comment "I can still play the game, but I don't want to" really was hard to digest. After over an hour of watching the press conference I had to regain my composure and head to the airport to pick up Lynn. It is Lynn's first time to Denver, she just trusted us and moved here. She has settled in nicely, and seems to get along great with Buckeye.

Today was also a good day for jobs.... I actually heard from 3 different positions. One is a non-profit but it is not in Colorado, so we will see what direction that one takes. One is a local non-profit but it is part time/temporary with potential to go permanent. And finally the other is just a one day event for a local PR firm which includes a parade...but money is money.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


The Man, The Legend

Yes, I shed a few tears today.

My day started off bad, I woke up to the horrible news. Mom called me and told me he was retiring. I can't believe it came so fast after the season. I've watched plenty of ESPN and searched the web for any information I could find on Farve. It was amazing, everyone is reporting on it. As a tribute I wore my #4 jersey all day today. Even though many Wisconsinites are sad, it may be the best time for him to retire. I am disappointed his last pass was an interception, but he is still one of the greatest players ever.

FYI... I will hold out a bit of hope for his return until the season starts and I don't see him walk onto the field.

Saturday, March 01, 2008



Purchasing snow pants at 9:15 on Friday night ... $32.00
Renting snowshoes.............................................. $11.91
Annual Pass to Rocky Mountain Nat. Park ...........$35.00
Snowshoeing in the Rockies ............................. Priceless

Alexis, Buckeye and I were on the road at 7:30 this morning to meet her cousin and his wife to go snowshoeing. We spent nearly 3 hours just getting to our final destination. Unfortunately the Rocky Mountain National Park did not allow dogs on the trails so we headed down the Roosevelt National Forest. I was not expecting the type of work it took to show shoe. After a short hike we headed back to the car. It was a great first day in the Rockies... but boy were we all tired once we got back to the apartment.

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