Thursday, March 06, 2008


Lynn Arrived!

I faced two very different emotions today. I was at a very low point during Brett Favre's press conference. Yes, I did cry again. How could you not, watching Favre break down. Overall I enjoyed listening to Brett talk, however, his comment "I can still play the game, but I don't want to" really was hard to digest. After over an hour of watching the press conference I had to regain my composure and head to the airport to pick up Lynn. It is Lynn's first time to Denver, she just trusted us and moved here. She has settled in nicely, and seems to get along great with Buckeye.

Today was also a good day for jobs.... I actually heard from 3 different positions. One is a non-profit but it is not in Colorado, so we will see what direction that one takes. One is a local non-profit but it is part time/temporary with potential to go permanent. And finally the other is just a one day event for a local PR firm which includes a parade...but money is money.

Glad that you are hearing about jobs! Yes, it was sad about Favre-I saw the whole interview-1 hr and 10 mins--it's something we'll all have to get used to. Marie had a baby boy on Monday who is named Cody. Jenna will be 7 on the 16th. There will be a meet and greet for Marie & new baby next Sat-wish there was someone to go with me up there. Take care, Love Grandma Marian
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