Saturday, March 01, 2008



Purchasing snow pants at 9:15 on Friday night ... $32.00
Renting snowshoes.............................................. $11.91
Annual Pass to Rocky Mountain Nat. Park ...........$35.00
Snowshoeing in the Rockies ............................. Priceless

Alexis, Buckeye and I were on the road at 7:30 this morning to meet her cousin and his wife to go snowshoeing. We spent nearly 3 hours just getting to our final destination. Unfortunately the Rocky Mountain National Park did not allow dogs on the trails so we headed down the Roosevelt National Forest. I was not expecting the type of work it took to show shoe. After a short hike we headed back to the car. It was a great first day in the Rockies... but boy were we all tired once we got back to the apartment.

Tash--Snow shooing is so much fun but hard. I have the snow shoes here in the apartment that Grandpa Larson made with his one hand and they are great--even though I can't snow shoe anymore because of my heart. Hope you can go again. Love, Grandma Marian
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