Sunday, September 30, 2007


End of September

Well the end of September has come and is almost gone. I have been fairly busy with work and school yet nothing really eventful has happened. This past week was a roller coaster at work, I tried to quit but then had a change of heart. Class is a place I no longer want to be so it is a bit hellish each Wednesday night. Ed Case is entertaining but I am just not really into school, I would love to be done...only a few more months.

So this weekend was jam packed. Heidi had a cocktail party at her house on Friday evening. Saturday I co-hosted a College of Communication picnic where we had about 45 students and about 10 faculty attend. It was a long day out in the sun, but it was successful, everyone had a great time. Plus later that day I found out I was "awesome". Saturday night I met some friends for drinks and called it an early night.

Today I woke up early and went on a hike with Amanda. We hiked Lanikai Hills, it was as beautiful as it was the last time. Probably my favorite trail on the island, that I have hiked. My afternoon has been spent watching movies and working on homework.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Sick Day

I called in sick today.... granted I wasn't too sick. I had a sore throat, but it was more of a day I needed to relax, finish homework, etc. I went to the gym to start off my day... Alana was there so we chatted for a while. We are going to meet up next week and work-out together, she is going to show me some new things... She is always an inspiration to me.

I then spent some time at the beach, did a little grocery shopping and some homework all before class. Overall a great day....

Monday, September 17, 2007


Hawaii & Waikiki Gun Club

Today we went to the Indoor gun range where I shot my first firearm. We paid $23 to shoot three different type of guns for a total of 42 rounds. We started with a rifle, then a revolver, and finished with a semi-automatic. Over all I did pretty well 3 shots were in the bulls eye area and all but about 5 rounds were on the target. It was fun to hold the different guns and learn how to load a revolver. It was also a very controlled area so that was good. We had earphones, goggles and a bib to protect ourselves from the stray shells.

I was shaking prior to starting but once in there it was a lot of fun.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


My final semester....

The semester has started for me...I only have two classes left. Tonight was my political communication class. It is being taught by Ed Case. Ed is a former US Congressman and he will most likely get back into the political arena in the future. This is the first class he has ever taught... You can check him out at his website...

My other class is COM 7200 (Thesis paper 2). I have a class meeting tomorrow and need to have my thesis written by November... I think I can do it.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Labor Day Weekend...

Busy weekend...

Friday night I went out to dinner and for drinks with a friend. Saturday I had breakfast with another friend and then prepared for a graduation party. Sharon and her boyfriend Neil both earned their Master's degree this summer so they had a joint party. This was my first time at a Filipino party. It was quite an experience, the food, the people, the way they cleaned up after the party. It was fun. After the party Talsha and I met up with Lynn and Amanda and headed into Waikiki. We went to Senor Frogs (the Cancun based restaurant) which just opened. It was a lot of fun. At one point zombies and Michael Jackson came out and danced to thriller, Elvis was there, the Ghostbusters gave free shots to people, and we all got glow sticks. It was kind of like a night at spring break.

Sunday I relaxed. I was supposed to take my neighbor, Libby, to the airport but she got another ride so I ended up at the beach for a while. Followed by dinner with a friend and then to Chai's to see the finals of the Miss Kai Vodka model search (the same event I went to last weekend because Juliet was sponsoring it again).

Monday I went to Waimea Bay to hang out on my friends sailboat. He had is anchored out in the bay so the group of us had to decide who was going to swim out and who was going in the dingy. Because of it's size, the dingy only held the two guys (rowing the dingy) and two passengers. I was happy to never swim to or from the boat.

I did swim around the boat and went jet skiing. It was a lot of fun, even after I was stung by some type of sea creature (my arm is a bit swollen, but everyone thinks it will be fine).
After seven hours on the boat and a beautiful North Shore sunset we headed back in.

When I got home Alexis was here, having arrived safely from Ohio earlier in the day. We chatted for a bit but we both were tired so around 10:15 I was off to bed.

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