Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Labor Day Weekend...

Busy weekend...

Friday night I went out to dinner and for drinks with a friend. Saturday I had breakfast with another friend and then prepared for a graduation party. Sharon and her boyfriend Neil both earned their Master's degree this summer so they had a joint party. This was my first time at a Filipino party. It was quite an experience, the food, the people, the way they cleaned up after the party. It was fun. After the party Talsha and I met up with Lynn and Amanda and headed into Waikiki. We went to Senor Frogs (the Cancun based restaurant) which just opened. It was a lot of fun. At one point zombies and Michael Jackson came out and danced to thriller, Elvis was there, the Ghostbusters gave free shots to people, and we all got glow sticks. It was kind of like a night at spring break.

Sunday I relaxed. I was supposed to take my neighbor, Libby, to the airport but she got another ride so I ended up at the beach for a while. Followed by dinner with a friend and then to Chai's to see the finals of the Miss Kai Vodka model search (the same event I went to last weekend because Juliet was sponsoring it again).

Monday I went to Waimea Bay to hang out on my friends sailboat. He had is anchored out in the bay so the group of us had to decide who was going to swim out and who was going in the dingy. Because of it's size, the dingy only held the two guys (rowing the dingy) and two passengers. I was happy to never swim to or from the boat.

I did swim around the boat and went jet skiing. It was a lot of fun, even after I was stung by some type of sea creature (my arm is a bit swollen, but everyone thinks it will be fine).
After seven hours on the boat and a beautiful North Shore sunset we headed back in.

When I got home Alexis was here, having arrived safely from Ohio earlier in the day. We chatted for a bit but we both were tired so around 10:15 I was off to bed.

Who is the friend that has the sail boat? Is there something interesting to tell?
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