Monday, September 17, 2007


Hawaii & Waikiki Gun Club

Today we went to the Indoor gun range where I shot my first firearm. We paid $23 to shoot three different type of guns for a total of 42 rounds. We started with a rifle, then a revolver, and finished with a semi-automatic. Over all I did pretty well 3 shots were in the bulls eye area and all but about 5 rounds were on the target. It was fun to hold the different guns and learn how to load a revolver. It was also a very controlled area so that was good. We had earphones, goggles and a bib to protect ourselves from the stray shells.

I was shaking prior to starting but once in there it was a lot of fun.

It's a good idea to know how to handle a gun--just in case you were ever in a bad situation where your skill was needed. Glad to hear you did it. Love Grandma M
good for u tash. i think everyone should learn some about shooting.
love ya gram
Gee Tasha, that is great..I didn't realize that you had never shot a gun..I just thought since Uncle Dan's kids and Libby and Pat all knew how to shoot that you did..I would have taken you out shooting years ago..But I'm glad you did it, it a fun hobby and sport...Good for you..Love Always Aunt Debbie
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