Sunday, September 30, 2007


End of September

Well the end of September has come and is almost gone. I have been fairly busy with work and school yet nothing really eventful has happened. This past week was a roller coaster at work, I tried to quit but then had a change of heart. Class is a place I no longer want to be so it is a bit hellish each Wednesday night. Ed Case is entertaining but I am just not really into school, I would love to be done...only a few more months.

So this weekend was jam packed. Heidi had a cocktail party at her house on Friday evening. Saturday I co-hosted a College of Communication picnic where we had about 45 students and about 10 faculty attend. It was a long day out in the sun, but it was successful, everyone had a great time. Plus later that day I found out I was "awesome". Saturday night I met some friends for drinks and called it an early night.

Today I woke up early and went on a hike with Amanda. We hiked Lanikai Hills, it was as beautiful as it was the last time. Probably my favorite trail on the island, that I have hiked. My afternoon has been spent watching movies and working on homework.

Tash--This too shall pass!! Time is going by and it sounds like you need a little lift!! Just think how great it will be to have that piece of paper--focus on that to make it through!!
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