Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Stuck in Chicago

After a nice trip home being very busy, I am currently at the Holiday Inn Select by Chicago O'hare airport. My flight was delayed in Madison which made me miss my connection to LAX and they had nothing available for me the rest of today. Nothing on United Airlines and nothing on any other airline. So here I am... sitting in a nice comfy hotel in Chicago until my flight out tomorrow morning at 8:20am.

In the next few days I will re-cap my trip home and attach pictures from Laura's wedding and other events. It was a great trip home... it flew by but I did and saw a lot of things. I love my time in Wisconsin but I need to get back and concentrate on my studies.

Maybe tonight I will try to work on my Thesis a bit...

Thursday, July 19, 2007



I will be departing the islands for Wisconsin in a few short hours. I'll be seeing most of you very soon. Give me a call if we haven't already made plans...

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Prize Collection

After both Alexis and I called in "sick" yesterday we were able to gather $300 worth of merchandise at Macy's and leave it with the Personal Shopping Department to process for pick-up today. When we finally went in this afternoon all the merchandise was still in a pile looking like no one touched it. As the ladies helped us, we were told that we had to calculate from the lowest ticket price not any additional sales promotions currently going on in the store, bummer. They packaged it up and away we went...no sales tax or anything. But in the end we got a lot of stuff... well worth the time and effort.

We also went to 24 Hour Fitness to start our new memberships. Mine was free from winning the competition and Alexis got a really great discount from her trainer, so we are all set to continue our fitness routines.

Finally, capping off today we went to see the movie Transformers. I wasn't expecting much from it, but it was really really good. I laughed, nearly cried and really enjoyed it. I would recommend this movie to anyone.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Paul Brown here WE come

On Friday my prizes from the competition were dropped off at work. I received a $300 Macy's trip that needs to be used before I leave for home in a little over a week. I also got a $300 Paul Brown Spa and Salon certificate and a 12-month pass for 24 hour fitness.

Today I called and made appointments. It turns out I can share both my Paul Brown and Macy's money... so Alexis and I are going to get ritzy hair-cuts tomorrow night and then Thursday we will be going to Macy's to burn that money. It's very exciting and I am glad I can share some of it with Alexis.... we both did awesome... but now we need to get back on the horse and get in the GYM!!

Thursday, July 05, 2007


Kaneohe Sandbar

Yesterday was the fourth of July and I spent nearly 6 hours on a sail boat at the sandbar in Kaneohe Bay. Throughout the day people kept coming and going with probably 20-25 people on board at times. It was nice to be able to hop on and off the boat and check out the other boats that were also out celebrating. It was a bit of a challenge at times getting back on to the boat, but it was fun. We grilled out and I got burnt.

After the day on the water, we headed back townside to a BBQ at Cherrie's friends house, where we had more scrumptious burgers etc. I was dead tired by the end of the night..

Tuesday, July 03, 2007



Bayfest has come and gone but boy was it fun. Lots of different exciting things happening. Alexis and I went both Saturday and Sunday with a couple other friends. We danced, we sang, we drank, and we made friends.

Saturday night was the Gretchen Wilson concert... and Sunday night was Alan Jackson. Both shows were really good. We were standing the whole time so I did have a hard time seeing the show but it was fun. There were fireworks both nights plus a bunch of other random military things going on like the marine challenge and airplanes, humvees, etc. around for people to look at. Cool experience.

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