Sunday, July 15, 2007


Prize Collection

After both Alexis and I called in "sick" yesterday we were able to gather $300 worth of merchandise at Macy's and leave it with the Personal Shopping Department to process for pick-up today. When we finally went in this afternoon all the merchandise was still in a pile looking like no one touched it. As the ladies helped us, we were told that we had to calculate from the lowest ticket price not any additional sales promotions currently going on in the store, bummer. They packaged it up and away we sales tax or anything. But in the end we got a lot of stuff... well worth the time and effort.

We also went to 24 Hour Fitness to start our new memberships. Mine was free from winning the competition and Alexis got a really great discount from her trainer, so we are all set to continue our fitness routines.

Finally, capping off today we went to see the movie Transformers. I wasn't expecting much from it, but it was really really good. I laughed, nearly cried and really enjoyed it. I would recommend this movie to anyone.

I'm happy for you that you got to go to Macy's! I like their clothes and the quality. What kind of hair cut did you get? See you soon. Love, Grandma
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