Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Paul Brown here WE come

On Friday my prizes from the competition were dropped off at work. I received a $300 Macy's trip that needs to be used before I leave for home in a little over a week. I also got a $300 Paul Brown Spa and Salon certificate and a 12-month pass for 24 hour fitness.

Today I called and made appointments. It turns out I can share both my Paul Brown and Macy's money... so Alexis and I are going to get ritzy hair-cuts tomorrow night and then Thursday we will be going to Macy's to burn that money. It's very exciting and I am glad I can share some of it with Alexis.... we both did awesome... but now we need to get back on the horse and get in the GYM!!

Oh Boy, Does that sound like fun!! Have lots of fun shopping!! Love, Grandma
Oh Boy, Does that sound like fun!! Have lots of fun shopping!! Love, Grandma
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