Saturday, September 30, 2006



Apparently HPU enjoys giving out free food. They have supplied me with three free meals this week. And I know I will get two more next week. How can I complain. On Wednesday we celebrated 30 years of ruling by President Wright so there was free food. Today Career Services had an open house, more free food. And this evening instead of going to class we had to meet for the Viewpoint program. Viewpoint is basically a film where some professors (my professor was the guest tonight) discuss the film and then we watch it and we all eat PIZZA.

Free food is a good thing :)

Thursday, September 28, 2006


I think I like it!

Yes that's right,I think I like school! I really think I am enjoying my classes this semester. I'm not loving my COM law & ethics class, but it is interesting. I have been keeping up with my homework (for the most part, I still have issues of doing all the readings) but at least I am not procrastinating. I have a lot of interesting assignments to keep me busy...I'll keep you posted on my research.

Monday, September 25, 2006



Well this past week the price of gas here in Hawaii dropped below $3 a gallon. It was a wonderful thing to see. Alexis filled up the car today for $2.97.... yippee!!

As for my weekend...yesterday I went to a bar-b-que at Talsha's where we (a group of girls) watched the UFC pay-per-view fight. For those of you that don't know... UFC is Ultimate fighting and last night the main event was Matt Hughes from Illinois vs. BJ Penn from the Big Island of Hawaii. It was a great fight and in the end...Matt HUGHES won the battle. After the fights, us girls hit the town. And today I have been relaxing and doing homework, etc...

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Boring week...

So nothing very exciting has happened since my last frat is having a gathering tonight at Hooters so I will be heading there shortly for wings. Prior to that I do need to run to Wal-Mart for a few important things like laundry detergent, soap and liquid plumber.

My weekend includes...watching the UFC pay-per-view fight Saturday night at Talsha's, ok it's not Saturday night more like Saturday afternoon here in Hawaii. Apparently BJ Penn and Matt Hughes are fighting...and BJ is from the Big Island so people are hyped about it here....

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Breaking News.... DOG, Leland and Tim

Remember back a month ago when I met a few members of DOG the Bounty Hunter.... take a look a what occurred this morning.... I can't believe the US government took this action......

Posted at 10:43 a.m., Thursday, September 14, 2006 ~ The Honolulu Advertiser

Dog Chapman arrested over 2003 Mexico case

TV reality star Duane "Dog" Chapman and two co-stars on his show were arrested early today in Hawaii on charges of illegal detention and conspiracy in an alleged kidnapping three years ago in Mexico, according to the U.S. Marshals office in Hawai'i.
Chapman, his son Leland Chapman and associate Timothy Chapman were taken into custody by U.S. Marshals this morning, said marshals spokeswoman Nikki Credic in Washington.
Two teams of U.S. marshals arrested the Chapmans at two homes in Hawai'i Kai and Waialae. Leland Chapman was arrested at 7:10 a.m. at his Wilhelmina Rise home. The Dog and Timothy Chapman were arrested at 6:20 a.m. without incident, according to the marshal's service.
Mona K. Wood, a publicist for the star of the popular A&E series "Dog the Bounty Hunter," said Chapman would be "vindicated."
"He arrests the bad guys — and he is definitely not one of them," she said.
The charges stem from Chapman's capture of Max Factor heir Andrew Luster on June 18, 2003, in Puerto Villarta, Mexico.
Chapman's capture of Luster — an alleged serial rapist — catapulted the bounty hunter to fame and led to the reality series on the A&E channel.
The three are being held in custody in Honolulu, and bail has not been set. They will face an extradition hearing under terms of treaties between the United States and Mexico, Credic said.
Charges have been pending against the three since local police in Mexico arrested them shortly after they captured Luster. They posted bail but never returned to Puerto Villarta for their court hearing on July 15, 2003.
A U.S. warrant for their arrest was signed by a federal judge in Honolulu on Sept. 13, 2006.


Girls Weekend

So I made a decision to take a mini-holiday from the beautiful island of Oahu. For Vetern's Day and the days surrounding it.. I will be relaxing in LA with a few of my friends. As of today... Talsha, Lynn and I purchased tickets for the amazingly low price of $299 to fly to LA. We have a friend that recently moved back to Orange County so we will be meeting up with her plus, I know people in San Diego and another friend from San Fran may fly down to join us. Our tentative plans include relaxing, going out, sitting in the audience for a few TV shows and hopefully being the next contestant on the price is right...

Monday, September 11, 2006


MAIL happened, we actually got the mailbox key. Our property manager emailed me last Wednesday saying she had the key and we could pick it up or she could mail it. The only time to pick it up however was during office hours (which both Alexis and I work) so I had her mail it to my office. It came rather quick so we were able to check our mail on Friday.

As for my other two classes...they should be pretty decent. I actually gave out all the materials and started my Friday night class on a group project as the professor wasn't able to make it to class.... she owes me big time :-) I guess that's what happens when I work in the office with the professors....

Anyways, I wanted to wish Mom and Bob a Happy anniversary weekend!! I hope you had a blast!

Thursday, September 07, 2006


New semester

Well Fall semester has officially started. I had my first class on Tuesday night. It is COM Law and Ethics, it should be interesting. The best part is I knew all but two people in the class. Knowing people makes me feel more comfortable and I think I will enjoy the class even more. My other classes are, International COM on Friday nights from 5:15pm until 8:30pm and Qualitative Research on Saturdays from 11:00am until 2:00 pm. International should be interesting, the Professor is really a cool lady, she even manages a band on the side. Saturday is up in the air... I had the same professor last spring and didn't like his teaching techniques or the class.

Also, if you were wondering, my sunburn is getting much better. It is still sensitive but better :-)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Why you should always wear sunscreen...

Any Questions?

Monday, September 04, 2006


Still no mail...

Well we officially have no access to our mail at all. Alexis went to the post office yesterday to retrieve it and they had resumed delivery to our building on Friday. So no mail. Alexis went to talk with the president of our building association and he said that he didn't have it, he mailed it out to the owner or our property manager. I sent off an email and I am hoping Cecelia was smart enough not to mail us our key..... oh the headaches of renting.....

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