Saturday, September 30, 2006



Apparently HPU enjoys giving out free food. They have supplied me with three free meals this week. And I know I will get two more next week. How can I complain. On Wednesday we celebrated 30 years of ruling by President Wright so there was free food. Today Career Services had an open house, more free food. And this evening instead of going to class we had to meet for the Viewpoint program. Viewpoint is basically a film where some professors (my professor was the guest tonight) discuss the film and then we watch it and we all eat PIZZA.

Free food is a good thing :)

You are lucky...Free Food!!....At least you get something from being at a private school!..Love you MOM
FREE FOOD...sounds good to me, no buying groceries, to prep time and then you have to get it all ready yourself. That is good.....Where can I sign up..LOL
Love Aunt Debbie
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