Sunday, October 19, 2008


U Pick 'Em Pumpkin Patch

My weekends always seem to be over flowing with entertaining things.

Saturday morning Geoff and I went to garage sales. I haven't done that in a very long time and it was a lot of fun. Geoff bought a bunch of old baseball cards and a really cool wine bottle opener. Saturday night we went downtown for a haunted bus tour and dinner at a little Italian restaurant. The tour wasn't very scary, but we did see a lot of historical sites and the bus was renovated into a shack on wheels, where you could sit on a couch or a saddle. Banjo Billy's is well worth the money, they run tours in Denver and in Boulder.

Today the girls and I went to a pumpkin patch in Broomfield. Along the way we we stopped at several thrift stores in search of pieces for our Halloween costumes. The pumpkin patch was pretty neat. We were able to drive out the a field and use pruning sheers to cut the pumpkins from the vines. I think I may have picked a pumpkin that is a bit too large for me. Let me know what you think....

Yes, Honey think it is a little to big for you, but at least you had fun. Love you, Aunt Debbie
If you can carry it, it is worth it if you have a grand picture to carve. Or will you make pumpkin pies? Ha Ha Ha
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