Sunday, October 19, 2008


U Pick 'Em Pumpkin Patch

My weekends always seem to be over flowing with entertaining things.

Saturday morning Geoff and I went to garage sales. I haven't done that in a very long time and it was a lot of fun. Geoff bought a bunch of old baseball cards and a really cool wine bottle opener. Saturday night we went downtown for a haunted bus tour and dinner at a little Italian restaurant. The tour wasn't very scary, but we did see a lot of historical sites and the bus was renovated into a shack on wheels, where you could sit on a couch or a saddle. Banjo Billy's is well worth the money, they run tours in Denver and in Boulder.

Today the girls and I went to a pumpkin patch in Broomfield. Along the way we we stopped at several thrift stores in search of pieces for our Halloween costumes. The pumpkin patch was pretty neat. We were able to drive out the a field and use pruning sheers to cut the pumpkins from the vines. I think I may have picked a pumpkin that is a bit too large for me. Let me know what you think....

Thursday, October 09, 2008


Wisconsin October 2008

Geoff and I made a trip to Wisconsin so that he could meet the fam. Mom and Bob picked us up in Milwaukee Thursday night for the beginning of a great weekend. We were able to do a lot of fun things and still relax. Highlights of the weekend included...

Wisconsin Dells
Wollershiem Winery
The Farmer's Market
Lunch with Dad & Kristal
The Packers v. the Falcons football game
Dinner with Granny & George, Dan & Peggy, and Laura & Ryan

Mom and I were able to fit in some quality shopping time as Bob and Geoff got supplies for tailgating and hauled wood. There were also a few good races on the the workhorses especially once Geoff gave the gas one a tune up.

The only downside was the last minute emergency trip to the vet for Freida. She was running through the woods and must have got caught on something cutting her leg open. The trip to the vet had us reaching the airport an hour before our flight was scheduled. Luckily we flew in and out of Milwaukee.

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