Monday, July 28, 2008


Amazing Birthday Weekend!

What a great weekend I had. The girls took me whitewater rafting on Saturday morning. We hit up the Class 3/4 intermediate tour. Our guide was the tour leader and we had two other rafts in our group. Thankfully on the last class 4 rapids we were not the raft that tipped. The last raft hit a rock and tipped over. Our adrenaline pumping as we helped to rescue the 5 passengers and guide from the fast creek. Alexis and I actually pulled someone out of the water as Lynn was on the shore holding our raft so we wouldn't float away. Everyone was ok except the guide had about an inch long cut near his eyebrow... it was suggested he go in for stitches.

After rafting Lynn and I went to Keystone where we stayed with Jackie at a condo. It was very relaxing, we went into Breckenridge for dinner and met some friends. It was nice and cool (maybe even cold) as we sat outside around a fire.

Today I awoke with numerous missed calls and text messages. I can't believe the number of people that remember and thought to call me. Thank you everyone. I also received a few cards in the mail along with a package from Talsha, which included a birthday fun kit. Once again the girls out did themselves, they got me presents in addition to the rapids trip. I got a new pair of Chucks and a gift certificate for two DVD's.

To cap off my night the guy I am dating, cooked me a marvelous dinner of filet mignon, shrimp, scallops & asparagus. Plus he gave me half a dozen roses.

It was a great birthday weekend... and soon I will be home to celebrate with family, I can't wait.

sounds like a lot of fun. glad you had a great birthday
love ya
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