Monday, June 09, 2008


We survived Vegas...

Alexis, Lynn, and I started our road trip to Las Vegas on Thursday afternoon. Off we drove in Lynn's rental car into the great wide open. Once into Utah things took a turn... we missed the "no services for 106 miles" sign and nearly ran out of gas. Luckily two very nice girls stopped and followed us to the nearest town, where of course, the gas station was closed. Our new friends called the sheriff who called Randy, the gas station owner, who in turn came down to open the gas station. With that pit stop we were set back nearly 2 hours, making our trip around 12 hours long.

Thankfully when we arrived in Vegas, Courtney had already checked into the hotel... to bed we went. The Excalibur was a great location and a not a bad deal.

Friday we walked around and found some cool places on the strip. The Kenny Chesney concert was at the MGM Grand at 8pm, Leann Rimes was the opening act. Overall the entire concert was great. Afterwards we went to the "official after party" for the concert then headed to TAO, where Paris Hilton was filming her new MTV reality TV show. To end the night we met up with some friends from Denver that happened to be in Vegas too. It was a long night, but a lot of fun.

Saturday we relaxed and went out for a nice dinner, Courtney got a tattoo at Hart & Huntington then we hit the town again. We went to the popular club LAX, where we had a few drinks and called it an early night (like 3am).

We left Vegas around noon on Sunday getting back to Denver in a fast 10 hours.... not too bad. But next time we are gonna fly.

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