Wednesday, June 04, 2008


So its been a while....

Here I am still in Denver trying to survive. There are so many things to do and see here. In the past few weeks I've been to a couple more Rockies games, a luau, Wisconsin, and I've actually started to work. Yep, I decided to apply for internships for experience (since that's all I could be lacking because I have the education). So I now have two internships, one paid they other not so much. I am working at a nonprofit in the marketing department and also for an event planner. It should be an interesting summer.

As for last weekend I was in Wisconsin for Beth's bridal shower and bachlorette party. It was a pretty good time. But once again it was very busy with little time to relax. This weekend I am heading to Vegas for a girls weekend that we planned months ago (at that time I thought I would be working full time and could afford this trip, so now I am going to be on a budget). But at least I have been there before so I've seen alot. I am hoping to enjoy the pool area...and I am guessing the 11 hour car ride is going to suck.

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