Monday, June 30, 2008


Beth's Wedding Weekend

I am back from a very busy wedding weekend. I arrived in Buffalo, New York on Thursday morning where I met Laura, Ryan, and Jason and we headed to Rochester for lunch and a nap. Thursday night was dinner at the Distillery and Mark's bachelor party and girls night. I spent the night with Beth, it was very relaxing. Friday we had a full day of rehearsals.... the wedding rehearsal (very complicated, good thing we went through it 4 times), then rehearsal dinner on Lake Ontario followed by desserts by Mark's parent's pool.

Saturday morning we were at the salon by 8:30am... only mishap was that Beth didn't have her veil so we had to wait until the church opened to get the veil. Once the hair was done, the limo shuttled us to the church where we barely had time to get dressed and it was wedding time. The ceremony was really nice, not too long and it almost went without a hitch. But since the bridal party was required to move around a bit, we all missed one cue so Beth had to get our attention. Aside from that everything went great. The reception was a lot of fun....dancing with the kids and I even got elbowed in the lip (it bled and is a bit swollen).

Sunday I attended the gift opening, then Laura, Ryan, Jen, Jason, and I headed to our hotel in Buffalo. We went to the home of the "Original wings" the Anchor Bar and then for ice cream.

My flight back today was a little slow going. I had a delay in Detroit which caused me to push back an interview I had scheduled this afternoon. I must admit, it is nice to be back.

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