Monday, April 21, 2008


Let's play Catch up...

It has been a while since I updated my blog. So I am going to recall some of the highlights of the last few weeks.

~ I went to the last regular season Colorado Avalanche game vs. the Minnesota Wild. (Av's won!)
~ I went to opening week of MLB the Rockies vs. the Braves. (Rockies won)
~ I found the "Wisconsin Bar" near Coors Field.
~ We tried to go to Colorado Springs but the weather turned really bad halfway there and we ended up at the outlet mall.
~ I go to the dog park on a regular basis
~ I send out roughly 30 resumes per week... I have had a couple interviews but nothing panned out
~ I finally went to a temp agency, hopefully they will find me work soon
~ I went to game 4 of the Stanley Cup playoffs (The Av's Won).
~ I've gotten addicted to a lot of reality tv
~ I am still getting used to the weather, one day it is 80 the next morning we have 4 inches of snow
~ Mom and Bob are coming out to visit next week... they will be joining my MS Walk team!!
~ Today Alexis and I went hiking at Red Rocks (pictures are attached).

Hopefully I will have exciting news to share in the near future (like I got a job) but until then, I will try and update this more often. Now that the weather is getting better I should be out and about more.

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