Monday, April 21, 2008


Let's play Catch up...

It has been a while since I updated my blog. So I am going to recall some of the highlights of the last few weeks.

~ I went to the last regular season Colorado Avalanche game vs. the Minnesota Wild. (Av's won!)
~ I went to opening week of MLB the Rockies vs. the Braves. (Rockies won)
~ I found the "Wisconsin Bar" near Coors Field.
~ We tried to go to Colorado Springs but the weather turned really bad halfway there and we ended up at the outlet mall.
~ I go to the dog park on a regular basis
~ I send out roughly 30 resumes per week... I have had a couple interviews but nothing panned out
~ I finally went to a temp agency, hopefully they will find me work soon
~ I went to game 4 of the Stanley Cup playoffs (The Av's Won).
~ I've gotten addicted to a lot of reality tv
~ I am still getting used to the weather, one day it is 80 the next morning we have 4 inches of snow
~ Mom and Bob are coming out to visit next week... they will be joining my MS Walk team!!
~ Today Alexis and I went hiking at Red Rocks (pictures are attached).

Hopefully I will have exciting news to share in the near future (like I got a job) but until then, I will try and update this more often. Now that the weather is getting better I should be out and about more.

Monday, April 07, 2008



I'm doing it again..... this time it's in Denver. Please take a look at the link below and support my team in reaching our goal of $2000.00. We are currently a little over half way there.... I have sent out emails... you may want to check your spam folder in case they made it in there. Otherwise copy and paste the below link into your browser to visit my page...

You can also check out my team which includes....
Jaime (Alexis' cousins wife)

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