Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Negative 4...

Wow, today mom and I were going to go into Madison but we decided against it. We drove to Columbus where I got gas and we slid all over the road on the ice. I haven't driven in icy conditions in a while plus it was all of -4 degrees at 11am today. Better to come home and keep warm by the fire. This is a major change from the cool 70 degree weather I was whining about in Hawaii a few weeks back. However, it worked out well as I am still packing and staightening things out for the big move.

A new curve ball as of last night was that the SUV I was going to buy (the ugly colored one) was sold. Now I am basically back to square one and I am running out of time...

when will you be in Madison so we can get together and go to lunch for your graduation? Grandma Marian
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