Thursday, January 24, 2008


Mahalo for the memories Hawaii

My life in Hawaii is almost over, in less then 24 hours I will be on a plane back to Madison, WI. I can't believe the time has gone so quickly. Before I go on about my day, let me answer a few lingering questions from yesterday's post.

1. We have not heard on the apartment, there was some type of family emergency so the guy should be back tomorrow to run our paperwork.

2. BJ Whitman (my client) thinks that my paper is... I quote " My first read..........I am very impressed. You were able to capture to put historical information into perspective....Thank you so much for a job well done." Therefore, my defense is still on for 2pm tomorrow afternoon. I'm nervous as I need to be ready for a 10 minute presentation but I think it will work out great. Plus I won't have to fly back here to defend, if I come back it will be because I want to!

Ok on to this evening. I must say I have a tremendous amount of friends here in Hawaii and they are awesome. Heidi came over after work and helped me clean my apartment a bit... I gave her everything she would take - dishes, chairs, the tv, a box of food, plus more. We loaded up Gretchen's car and headed to dinner in Waikiki.

A group of us (11 total) ate at the Yardhouse. I knew ahead of time that because of my defense tomorrow I would have to call it an early night. Yet there were people and places I needed to see. So after a wonderful dinner, half of us headed to Nashville. It was pretty dead but I was able to have a few good laughs, buy a t-shirt and leave my mark:-)

Plus, the night doesn't end there... unfortunately, Lynn left her car keys in a cab and we spent a good 30 mins trying to call every cab in Hawaii... to no avail. Amanda and Lynn took a cab back to Kaneohe to get her spare set of keys.... bummer. The cab even had leopard print seat covers, one would think we could locate it.... hopefully she has luck in the morning.

Needless to say, it was a memorable evening, with good friends, cmany of whom are already planning to come visit us in Denver. They made Hawaii better... good friends go along way.

hope all goes well. see you soon
love ya gram
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