Thursday, January 17, 2008


I'm sad... my buddy left

So it is finally real. My time in Hawaii is almost over, I leave one week from today, unless something happens. And last night it finally hit me that I'm leaving and soon.

Heidi, Gretchen, and Kristane came over last night for Alexis' last dinner in Hawaii. We ordered food from Bangkok Chef and sat on the floor of our apartment. Heidi also brought my paper that she edited. We reviewed it all, what a help she was... but I still feel like it is lacking.

After dinner the girls left and we loaded Alexis' bags into the car. It really is sad, not that she left but that she won't be coming back. Which in turns means I am leaving and won't be coming back. I really love it here... if I had the opportunity I probably won't be leaving but financially it is the best decision. Maybe a twist of fate will bring me back someday...

Goodbys are always sad but bet you'll see each other soon!!! And, I also bet you'll get back to Hawaii sooner than probably what you expect and who knows what's just around the corner--more exciting things!!! Love ya, Grandma
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