Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Happy Birthday Mom!! I'm moving to Denver!

Happy Birthday Mom!!

I must admit after a rather sleepless night today urned out to be pretty good. I have three major things in the works...

1. A potential job interview in Denver ~ I need to call them to set up an interview
2. We applied for an apartment today ~ We should know tomorrow if we are approved
3. I think I am set to defend my paper on Thursday ~ I will know 100% tomorrow

Aside from those great things I have been plugging away around the apartment. Cleaning, throwing things away and packing. I can't believe how much junk has accumulated over the past two years. I set up a time to check out of the apartment, 6pm on Thursday night. My flight out of here is at 11:50pm.

Big day tomorrow... cleaning, meeting Dr. Barnum, creating a presentation for my defense, working on my thesis with Heidi and then dinner with friends.

Only two full days left on the island... *tear*

Thanks for the call and the Happy Birthday....We had a nice time last night and I got alot of cards and calls...Well I am glad that you got a job interview and that your first Thesis thing went well I will keep my fingers crossed for the other...Your last couple days in Hawaii, I am sure will be filled with many emotions but you just have to look forward... see you soon!..Love MOM
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