Sunday, January 27, 2008


Back in Wisconsin

I made it back to Wisconsin on Friday night. The plane ride was very smooth. I made some new friends and had very short layovers. Mom & Bob picked me up and straight to Tumbleweed we went. Once home I opened Christmas presents from Kyra, Jen, Beth, and Mom & Bob. Lots of cool things... thanks!

Saturday we spent the day car shopping. The first SUV we looked at is probably going to be the one I end up with... however I don't love the color. I am still looking...

Granny & George came over for breakfast this morning. We had a nice visit then mom and I headed to Beaver Dam. Day one of shopping... and I only walked out with 5 pairs of shoes :-) After shopping I went to visit Laura & Ryan. I'm happy to be back seeing family and friends.

As a bonus on the way home from the Hoffman's, I saw one of the most beautiful sunsets ever. The sky was lit up in pinks and purples.

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