Monday, December 17, 2007


My Last Day of WORK

Well today was my last day at HPU. It was bitter sweet. Dr. Wee, Jeannie and I went to lunch for Dim Sum at a wonderful little place in Chinatown. Then from 2-3:30pm was my party. Jeannie invited a bunch of people from other departments for snacks (catered in) and cake. About 20 or so people filtered through to wish me luck. In the end, I had seven lei's a bunch of cards and a few gifts. Jeannie gave me a set of things to remember Hawaii which included pot holders, decorative pillow covers and a blanket. The ladies from Career Services brought me a cool wall hanging for my new office. Plus I received multiple floral arrangements.

But most of all it was nice that people came to see me off, even though I will see a lot of them at graduation. It was as very nice way to end my time at HPU and I was very lucky that Alexis came for the party to help me carry all my stuff from the office...

hey Tasha...Congrats on finishing up your work!!! I also wanted to thank you for your christmas card. I included you with your parents christmas card cause i didn't know where you are going to end up and didn't want it lost in the mail. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year....once again Congrats!!! Jason
Congratulations for making it through that exam!! Hope you are feeling better and that everything is OK. Sounds like the trip was nice--and the party sounded like fun! Now it's on to Holiday time. Love, Grandma
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