Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Merry Christmas

Well it was my first Christmas away from family and it was a bit sad. But I woke up to a phone call from Mom & Bob at 8:15am and then proceeded to open presents in the hotel room. Alexis and I had a whole bunch of things to open... lots of fun little things like make-up, calendars, underwear, and candy and also a lot of gift cards.

We were invited over to Lynn's house for Christmas dinner. Her mum and dad are here from Scotland/Norway and they cooked us steaks and ham plus an assortment of lovely side dishes. With a bit of wine the night turned very amusing... we played a board game and even a few drinking games with her dad. It was a really good time... plus Alexis and I got a guitar and a wine glass set from Lynn and Amanda.

It was a different kind of Christmas... hopefully next year I will be back in Wisconsin for the holidays.

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